Thursday, August 18, 2005

In the Beginning...

There is roving, then there is singles, then there is two-ply, then there is hopefully a sweater....

A box from Paradise Fibers arrived on my doorstep today. The emerald and blue are supposed to be the beginings of a sweater with a wavy pattern to it--like the ocean. The blue was originally supposed to be a little more on the cobalt side, but alas, there wasn't enough in stock.

In the background you can see 4 pounds of merino. What in the world am I going to do with four pounds of wool? It's for a class that I am teaching at our fiber fair in September. I do a lot of my dying with Wilton Cake Gels and Kool-Aid and that is what we will be working with during the class. Of course I did order a little bit extra, I have to have something to keep me out of trouble.


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