Monday, April 30, 2007

Weaving Weekend VIII

I forgot the digital camera until about halfway to Groton, so I had to wait until I returned home for a picture. Weaving weekend is sponsored by the Prairie Fiber Arts Guild, but weaving isn't the only thing going on. Lots of spinning, knitting and eating of course. This year's course was on tapestry weaving taught by Torrie Hannah.

I kept to my vow to use up some yarn in the stash and was sorely tempted when our instructor brought the Kareoke she was using. Nice single yarn, but was using the variagated colors so that one skein would be many different colors and they all went so nicely together. Not sure how I feel about tapestry weaving on the whole yet. I haven't finished.

The weather was so nice that I wished I had the wheel with me so I could just sit outside and spin. I did get some knitting done on Friday night though. Lots of talking, some folks from Knitter's Magazine were there and they always have interesting stories about the world of knitting and traveling.


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