It Begins...
Why don't I post more often?? Computer time is not really an issue--I probably spend too much time on it. Here are my reasons why I don't post more often:
1. Have a hard time taking pictures of WIP--only want to take pics of finished projects.
2. Hate transferring pics from camera to computer
3. Think noone reads my blog.
After thinking about this, here are my solutions:
1. This was a no brainer, take pics of things I'm working on. Just b.c I haven't posted doesn't mean I haven't been working--quite the opposite actually.
2. Get over it.
3. If you stop by--leave a comment, if I know people are reading, I am sure I will post more. Perhaps I should put a counter on the blog too.
I will even put up a pic of my new project:
This is the from the new IW Knits. Yarn is Patons Grace, I always have to substitute unless I buy off the net. I live in a place where yarn usually consists of plastic. It was the color that attacted me to this, but so far I am really liking the yarn. Also included is a can of my new weakness--IZZE. IZZE is 70% fruit juice and 30% carbonated water. No added sugar. Very yummy too, oldest spawn loves it.
Hi there - just a wee post of encouragement! I check into your blog occassionally via the Science Knits webring. Rest assured, you are read! Keep up the good posting work. :)
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