Sunday, February 26, 2006

Rag Rugs

I have been working with my little rigid heddle loom quite a bit lately. Mostly rag rugs. My house needed some and then I needed a few for gifts. I don't mind doing them, it's just that the beating takes a little while since I must beat it manually since the rigid heddle isn't heavy enough. These are all done at 12 epi.

My new back entry rug

MIL's Birthday present

Friday, February 24, 2006

It's A Miracle!

I have FINALLY learned how to use my macro function on my digital camera. The directions weren't very specific, turns out I wasn't holding the camera close enough. I would see things in focus, and then move the camera closer and things would go out of focus. By accident I moved the camera eben closer and VOILA!--focus. Think of all the beautiful things I need to re-shoot...

Here is some roving that I believe is from Ashland Bay that I bought last fall, but just now got around to spinning. It is interesting the ways that the colors combine. This has plans for birthday socks for my SIL. Who has been reminding me how much she likes her socks she got for Christmas and that she has a birthday coming up.

I would really be intereseted in how other people spin these multi-colored rovings. I have difficulty with bulky yarns--I tend to finish in a fingering/sport weight two ply.

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