Monday, January 22, 2007

The Pattern

We went to a concert yesterday by Willson and McKee, a duo that specializes in Celtic music. They are here with our schools for an artist in residence program. She wrote a lovely prize-winning song called "The Pattern" which is about the ladies of Aran and the purpose of the patterns in the fisherman's sweaters. I had already known about how the pattern was like an identification card in case the fisherman was lost at sea or would wash up on the shores of Galway, where they would be unknown, but she did a wonderful job of singing and writing such a poignant song. Truly a moving song.

It is a continual source of amazement for me to discover how often the fiber arts is embedded into a culture and especially how it crosses cultures as well. Yesterday it was Celtic, but I am also preparing for a demo for women's getaway at church that is themed around the book "The Red Tent".


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