Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Gift Mitts

These are the Wine and Roses Mitts from the Fall 2006 IWK. They were knit with some early handspun wool and navajo-plied. They were a fast knit on size 2 dpns with the lace, but if I do them again (which I might) I think 1's would fit my hands better. A little lose for my taste. They are destined to my brother's wife who has RA.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Well, I am happy with it, but it isn't quite big enough. I think my family has larger heads. Would prefer to do with fingering weight and size 2's. Will have to adjust pattern to fit adult size. It really is too small for the spawn, so I think it will go to a coworkers grandson. I would also add another row of the pirates. This one was done as written and its a little small for my 3 yr old. Very popular though, several family members want one.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Don't Quit Your Day Job

I am working my way through American Pie from Crown Mountain Fibers and loving every minute of it! Spinning this is absolute pleasure and I don't seem to tire of the way the colors are constantly changing and striping. What's in store for this roving? Who knows. I think I could become addicted to this stuff!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hide the Rum!

Finished are my Pirate mittens from These were done in a dyed yarn from KnitPicks, but it was more a fingering weight than the sport weight called for in the pattern. A little felting did help to make them a little more on the dense side. They were fun, I have several requests from family members for ones. This is going to involve adapting the pattern for an adult size as the beggars were all adults. I think it's a little easier to adjust gauge on a hat than mittens with the larger number of stiches.

The girl loves the new mittens. Pink pirate mittens--who could blame her?

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